
Please pray!

Our Lord,
1. Please help everyone to understand the positive messages from the accident.
2. Please help Kelvin so that he really has no problem with his head.
3. Please help me to sleep easily at night, because I could not sleep last night because of the wound and the bandage.
4. Please help my wound to recover quickly and don't give me a scar, though having a scar is not so important.

Thank you, God!

Thank you God for giving me a chance to have a picnic with my students.
Thank you God for giving me a chance to play some sports though I have a lot of work to do.
Thank you God for letting me know the happy and unhappy things from my dear students.

Thank you God for telling me ‘accidents often happen’ and ‘I cannot control my life’.
Thank you God for making me but not my student injured.
Thank you God for protecting my skull, which could have been broken.
Thank you God for giving me only two but not more injections.
Thank you God for giving me anesthesia so that I didn’t feel lots of pain.
Thank you God for giving me only five stitches, but not ten or more.
Thank you God for letting me still hear noises of using scissors, stitching and making knots after I had anesthesia, and so making me pray more eagerly.
Thank you God for arranging a skilful nurse, though she sometimes chatted with the other nurse when sewing my wound.

Thank you God for telling me to treasure what I already have.
Thank you God for giving me an imperfect but undamaged face in the past.

Thank you God for giving me caring colleagues who took care of me and my students.
Thank you God for giving me great students who worry and pray for me.
Thank you God for giving me a wife who truly loves me, though I may be uglier in the future.
Thank you God who continues my useless life so that I can do some useful things for Him.


The Second Champion to 08-09 2D

Congratulations! Fight for more successes!

Unluckily, 2D has not got the third one. We have to do reflection.

Kiki...(clapping)...Fatcha...(chapping)...kawaii le!

Kiki and Fatcha! Chihuahua!
Kiki and Fatcha! Chihuahua!
Kiki and Fatcha! Chihuahua!


金融風暴對教育界的影響 [The Impact of Financial Storm to Education Sector]

1. 教師的睇市時間增加[increase(s) v.],備課時間減少[decrease(s) v.];勤力學生的功課量[number of homework items n.ph.]下降[drop(s) v.],疲倦學生的捕魚量[number of fishes caught n.ph.]上升[rise(s) v.]。
2. 學生上課時的秩序問題[discipline problems n.ph.]減少,因見到每位老師進入課室時都口黑面黑。
3. 中文科老師提醒學生要用詞精確[accurate adj.],減少模糊的[indefinite adj.]用語如「下降」和「莫財」,改為用「急瀉」和「破產」。
4. 英文科老師勉勵學生不懂turn、typhoon不要緊,但一定要識turmoil及tsunami。
5. 數學科老師給的數學問題越來越淺,因數值越來越細;另外先教減數[subtraction n.]和除數[division n.],再教加數[addition n.]和乘數[multiplication n.]。
6. 經濟科老師的備課功夫與日俱增,因同學及同事[colleague(s) n.]對經濟[economy n.]的關注度急升。
7. 科學科老師在教授自然災害[natural disaster(s)]的課題時,需重點講解風暴及海嘯的種類。
8. 體育科老師要求學生做運動量大的活動,藉此宣泄負面情緒[negative emotion(s) n.ph.]。
9. 宗教科老師需向學生強調[emphasize v.],相信弟兄是應該的,相信兄弟則未必。
10. 音樂科老師上課時多了播放凄慘及悲壯的[tragic adj.]樂曲。
11. 學生的家庭銀行發鈔量驟降,發幣量及發弊量則驟升[sharply adv.]。
12. 多了教師進行創作,希望藉此幫補生計;但事與願違,因沒有人願意[willing adj.]支付版權費[copyright fee(s) n.ph.]。

The results of the first student survey[第一次民意調查結果] Part 1

1. The teacher has enough lesson preparation and is serious about teaching. [老師備課充足、教學態度認真]
Results: 2D& 3D – Agree 100%
Response[回應]: Thank you very much. I will work harder.

2. The lessons have different learning activities. [課堂有不同的學習活動]
Results: 2D – Agree 97.5%, Disagree 2.5%; 3D – Agree 100%, Disagree 0%
Response[回應]: Thank you very much. But why not 100%?

3. The teacher often asks us questions. [老師經常向我們發問]
Results: 2D – Agree 90%, Disagree 10%; 3D – Agree 95.5%, Disagree 4.5%

Response[回應]: Thank you very much. I will ASK more.


I have got one more child!

Dear Wegi,

I am Chow Kwok Hung, or you can call me Victor Chow. I don't know whether [conj. 是否] you can understand my words, but I believe World Vision will help you.

I am a teacher in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a good place. Hong Kong children are fortunate [adj. 幸福的]. Many of them work hard in their studies, but some of them do not. I am sure you work hard for your family. I am pleased to give you some support.

I also support a girl in Bangladesh. I am happy to see her growth. I am looking forward to knowing your changes after a few years.

I am sorry that I can show my love for you by only writing to you sometimes and giving you some support. But please believe, love can change your life!


Debate Team, cheer up!

Winning a match is important, but does not mean everything.

If a debate team does not win wonderfully, there's not much to be proud of.

If a debate team loses beautifully but can learn from the experience, there's not much to be disappointed with.


08-09 TTC 2D Board (Presentation Speech to Judges)

Ladies and Gentlemen, [各位來賓]

We are pleased to explain the design of our board to you.

First, one country, two languages. [首先,一個國家,兩種語言。] We use our mother tongue (n. ph. 母語) and our national flag (n. ph. 國旗) in our board to show our love for China. China is the homeland (n. 祖國) of 1.3 billion people including us. Chinese sportsmen tried their best to do well in Beijing Olympics and we are proud of our country. But when we have to welcome guests (n. 客人) from other countries and guests like you, we would use English because it is an international (n. 國際的) language.

Second, a 7-coloured rainbow to success. [第二,一道通往成功的七色彩虹。] We have learned from Olympics that we can succeed with flying colours with the following: knowledge [n. 知識], understanding [n. 認識], courage [n. 膽色], characteristics[n. 特色], appreciation [n. 賞識], consensus [n. 共識] and perseverance [n.永不止息 (毅力)].

Last, everyone is number one. [最後,每個人都是第一名。] The number 2 and the dog on the rainbow mean us, 2D students. All of us are running closer and closer to success. Although there are a lot of difficulties during our preparation of the board, we have tried our best to finish it. Other people may not think our board is the best, but in our mind, EVERYONE IS NUMBER ONE!

TVB is back!

Friends and students,

TVB is back! Please come often!

After having a rest for many months, I finally have the motivation to write my blog again in the new school year. Hope you can support me!

Please also kindly do the survey and give me some CMs (comments). Thanks!

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of TVB