
a MA student vs an MA student: answers

First, thank your for your reading and comments. I would like to make two points here.

a. I will be very happy if you can give me more replies and tell me who you are.
b. I think it is a good habit to read some English every day. If we keep reading, our English will be better and better.

Answer to Q3:

Actually, as simple rules, the following are true:

- use “an” in front of a word that starts with “a”, “e”, “i”, “o” and “u”
- use “a” in other cases

But the exact rules are a bit advanced:

- use “an” in front of a word that starts with a vowel sound, e.g. /e/, /ei/, /^/ …
- use “a” in front of a word that starts with a consonant sound, e.g. /b/, /c/, /d/…

We say “MA” as /emei/ but “Master” as /ma:s…/. So only the following sentences are correct:

- I am an MA student.
- I am a Master of Arts student.

Is it interesting?

2 則留言:

  1. I can learn a lot of English from here, IT's Great!!! Yeah!!!
